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  1. "Espanglish parte 2"

    Espanglish parte 2

    ¡Hola a todos! Bienvenidos a mi blog, donde escribo sobre todo lo relacionado con la cultura hispana. En mi última entrada, hablé sobre el fenómeno del espanglish. En esta entrada, voy a seguir explorando este fascinante tema.

    El espanglish en los medios de comunicación

    El espanglish se …

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  2. "Espanglish"


    Espanglish is a mix of Spanish and English that is spoken by some people in the United States. It is also known as Spanglish. Espanglish is not a formal language, but it is often used in informal situations, such as when people are speaking to friends or family members …

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  3. The Nature of Blogging

    category: blog tags: blogging

    The Nature of Blogging: Exploring the Diverse Motivations Behind Online Expression

    Blogging has emerged as a ubiquitous form of online expression, with countless individuals sharing their thoughts, experiences, and perspectives with the world. While the motivations for blogging vary widely, they offer a glimpse into the …

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